BICROELAST EKP Polyester based SBS Modified Torch-On Cap Sheet
BICROELAST EKP mineral membranes are economical, high performance polyester based waterproofing materials designed to suit requirements of both new build and remedial roofing applications.
BICROELAST EKP is a polyester based, slate covered Torch – On Cap sheet, saturated and coated with high quality SBS (Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene) modified bitumen. The membrane carrier is a tough polyester reinforcement, giving the material excellent dimensional stability and very high mechanical strength. The upper layer is coated with slate protecting material from ultraviolet exposure and lower layer is finished with thermofusible film for fast and consistent Torch – On application.
BICROELAST EKP are reliable, environmentally friendly materials with excellent performance and economy characteristics. These products can be applied to all suitable underlays as Torch – On Cap Sheets or as single layer, nail on Shed covering, creating robust long-lasting protection to covered surface.
Product Features:
BICROELAST EKP materials can be used as cap sheet in built up waterproofing systems on new built or refurbished flat roofs as well as part of overlay systems to existing asphalt waterproofing. BICROELAST EKP should be installed in accordance with BS 8217: 2005 Code of Practice for Reinforced bitumen membranes for roofing, constantly observing TechnoNICOL installation recommendations and guidance.
BICROELAST EKP membranes are applied by traditional Torch – On methods onto previously installed base layer/underlay, clear of any debris or sharp projections, primers shall be used to prepare substrate for achieving most effective waterproofing longevity.
The membranes should be heated carefully ensuring the complete melt of dispersible film as work proceeds and maintaining 5 mm bead extrusion from all laps. Side laps must follow the manufactured mineral free pilot selvedge with end laps at minimum of 100 mm. The cap sheet should be offset 300 mm from the underlay to avoid side build up.