Bituminous water base primer without any solvents
TECHNONICOL № 04 is a bituminous emulsion primer produced by bitumen dispersion method. The material does not contain solvents, has a neutral smell, hence is completely harmless and is suitable for internal weatherproofing applications.
Application areas:
Primers are used to prepare substrate for application of torch-on, selfadhesive or other types of waterproofing materials. The prime coating is necessary to achieve strong adhesion of materials to porous, rough and dusty surfaces.
Method of application:
TECHNONICOL № 04 primer should be applied to prepared surface clear of any debris or sharp projections. The primer should be applied in continuous coat using roll or brush penetrating the surface and providing smooth and well adhered base for subsequent waterproofing layers. Apply at temperatures +5°C – +40°C, water can be added if necessary.
Drying time:
1 hour
Packaging 20 litres
How to work with Primer?
Before applying the primer must be mixed with a mixer to obtain a homogeneous solution. Prepare the base and check the humidity.
Consumption 250-350 ml / m².
Primer drying time from 10 minutes, depending on ambient temperature and humidity.